Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Time Management - Do not read blogs and above all do not write them.

Some serious time management advice from a blog post by Professor Serious.  The big thing with time management is to distinguish between what is important and what is urgent.  This is one of those things like walking a tight rope.  There is nothing conceptually difficult about it.  Actually doing it yourself though?  That is a different question.

Prof Serious is very self effacing about his skills, but nonetheless has some good advice. Note whether something is urgent for you or someone else.  He tells the story of a London cab driver who reduced his stress levels considerably by reminding himself that it wasn't him that was in a hurry, but his passenger.

He also points out, almost in passing, that quite often our motivation in rushing to 'get things done' is largely not to appear incompetent.  Powerful as this is, it is a fleeting pleasure compared to really achieving something of lasting value.  He saves his best tip until last.

Do not read blogs and above all do not write them.

Err, yes. That would save a lot of time.......


1 comment:

  1. I believe that time management is not difficult if you are determine on what you want to accomplish at the end of the day. The best way to manage time is with self discipline, which helps you followed scheduled tasks effectively and finish it on time. I keep myself productive with the help of a tool that tracks time accurately, which I used to set an estimated amount of time when working on each task. With discipline and the right tool I can manage time effectively and get more things done at the end of the day that also helps me balance life and work. Take a look at this productivity review of the tool that helps me manage time.
