Sunday, 21 June 2015

Can You Write A Book Without Even Noticing?

My last blog post was on the 7th of June, where I pondered whether writing a book on the management was a good way of keeping my focus on managing my time well.  Two weeks isn't long enough to make a definitive judgement, though it certainly isn't doing any harm. I think the 10 to 15 minutes I spend on it every morning before is returned in increased productivity, but I will keep an open mind on it for while.

But I was reviewing it this morning and I noticed that I have actually created quite a lot of text.  I have 3,500 words clocked up already. At this rate I can produce about 80,000 words in a year. That's a reasonable sized novel. I don't think I have any ideas that would sustain a novel length piece of writing, and I dare say the result would need a fair bit of editing if I did.

But it is an intriguing idea that an extra quarter of an hour in bed might lead to something worthwhile.

You can judge for yourself how well it is going by looking at my progress in the side bar.

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