Thursday, 9 July 2015

Focus Blocks

Steve Pavlina's blog has not been offering me much value lately - though I always read anything new he comes up with. But today he managed to deliver something really handy and right on time. I am at the stage with developing my business where finding the time to get things done is critical.

I have to split my time three ways. I still have some skills to learn to become an effective businessman.  This includes some basic science, IT and straight day to day things like tax and cash flow. I also need to build up a team and come up with products that generate income. And as I don't have a cash reserve I have to seek short term work and actually carry out.

I have enough work to keep me busy and as earning a living is always a priority this has a tendency to dominate my time. The clients tend to push it as well.

The problem is finding blocks of time to get something more constructive and long-term achieved. Steve suggest what he calls Focus Blocks. In these you said yourself a specific objective and work for a set period of time to meet those specific objectives. He suggest 90 minutes.

He comes up with the 90 minutes figure because that is allegedly the amount of time the average office worker actually spend working during an 8 hour day. His idea is you do your 90 minutes straight away and you have the rest of your time free.  Well I'm not the average office worker. I can't afford to only put in 90 minutes a day. I really have got a lot to do. I am quite prepared to put in two to three hours at a time.

What I like about the idea of Focus Blocks is this another way of making sure I am working towards my objectives. Some of the things I need to do, such as create educational courses or develop new products where take a lot of concentration. I can't just complete them in spare moments when I have nothing else to do.  (That's when I do blog posts like this).

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