Well so far I have avoided the temptation to get back onto Twitter. I have checked Facebook a couple of times, but as some people use that as an alternative to e-mail I should have allowed that as part of my ground rules. I didn't get sucked back in.
I have strayed a little by making some comments on blog posts. I am regretting those both as spoiling the integrity of this one month experiment, and because I didn't really enjoy them. The problem is the impulse to respond when you have an idea, coupled with the need for completeness once you have started. The return on the time invested is not worth it.
Other than that I have found that I have more time for other things and and am doing more of the stuff that I want to be doing. But I am not getting as much of a pay off as I had hoped for. Time I used to spend dithering on Twitter and Facebook is now often spent reading up on news stories in more detail than I really need, or other trivial time wasters. On the whole, I am coming to the conclusion that if I am going to waste time, social media are a better waste of time than some other things.
I will respect the parameters of my experiment and not draw any firm conclusions yet. But my feeling at the moment is that it would be better to time limit my social media rather than exclude it altogether. It is more fun than some of the things I do instead, and the real trick is to develop the willpower to stop and get on with something more worthwhile.
Giving Up Social Media Diary Day 19
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