A five minute dash is a technique that should only be used when the situation is really bad. When you have more work than you can cope with spread over more projects than you can cope with, then there is simply no choice. You have to get your work organised and you don't have time to stop.
The five minute dash is a tactic that allows you to get somewhere while also getting organised. Basically you pick a task at random - but preferably the first one on your job list. Set a timer for 5 minutes and get as much as you can get done. Then put the project onto the appropriate place for when you need to work on it again. For example, if it is basically the top priority task then schedule it for after your next five minute dash.
Keep this up as you go down your list. Five minutes isn't very long, but it is not no time at all. If nothing else you can get a job into order. If it is a report you can get a couple of hundred words written. If you do practical work you can find all the things you need to do something.
The most important thing is to work at switching rapidly from one task to another, and to leave every task on which you are working in a state that makes it easy to pick up again. As you work through it your to do list becomes more and more realistic and your work becomes more organised. You can schedule a few five minute sessions to specifcally work on organising your work if you have to.
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