Monday 10 October 2011

Meditation Programme

I've heard a lot of people extolling the benefits of mindfulness, particularly David Rock.  I have a feeling it isn't going to be something particularly difficult to practice but I have to actually work out what it is and develop the supporting efforts.  So after a bit of research I have decided to give Mindfulness:The Eight Week Meditation Programme by Mark Williams a try.

This has its origins in the use of meditation as a treatment for depression - for which it is apparently as successful as drugs.  (That probably isn't all that successful actually, but it doesn't have side effects and having worked in the drugs industry anything that diverts resources away from that sector is a good thing.)

I have started the first week today with a simple meditation exercise before breakfast.  I'll do another tonight and that will be the pattern for this week.  I have already tried this exercise a couple of times and I think I can notice some effects, but now it is serious.

This plan takes me up to Sunday 4th of December so covers a period when I should be having relatively little disruption to my life so this will give it its best chance of working.