Sunday 8 December 2013

Keep it simple

At some point in my life I thought it was a good idea to subscribe to a search engine optimisation newsletter.  This was a mistake on so many levels.  For a start I don't do search engine optimisation.  I do my best to do compelling content creation and just get into a few habits that help people find them.  My logic here is simple.  The Beatles didn't become the Beatles by getting good at album cover design and retail distribution.  If your offering is strong enough it will get noticed.  If it isn't it won't.  So far mine hasn't, but no amount of gaming Google would have changed that.

Saturday 28 September 2013

Giving Up Twitter

I love Twitter with the passion of a teenage lover for a girl he cannot have or a heavy metal band cover artist for a book of Gothic fonts.  But sometimes you have to sacrifice that which you love to achieve greater things.

Sunday 11 August 2013

Your idea is stupid - but go ahead anyway

If you've ever had an idea for a business or a project, you've probably had this experience.  You tell someone about it and they instantly see all the flaws in your reasoning.  Depending on what they are like and how well they know you, they'll do it with varying degrees of politeness.  But you'll have no doubt that think your idea is stupid.