Saturday 28 September 2013

Giving Up Twitter

I love Twitter with the passion of a teenage lover for a girl he cannot have or a heavy metal band cover artist for a book of Gothic fonts.  But sometimes you have to sacrifice that which you love to achieve greater things.

I have written around twenty podcast scripts for a series on Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, but I simply can't seem to find the time to record them.  The only big time sink on my schedule that I can afford to drop is Twitter, so it has to go.  But it is going to be a wrench.

Like a master of an oriental martial art I have used the power of my opponent to my advantage.  I have overcome my feeble willpower by posting on Twitter that I have given it up.  I have scheduled autotweets to reinforce it.  If I go back before I have finished I will have to admit in front of the oddly named bunch of strangers with whom I regularly interact that I am a slug and a recidivist.

Of course there is nothing to give away if I sneak on for the odd peak.  That I will have to cope with on my own.  I think there is software around that blocks specific websites.  I will look into it.  Wish me luck, this is going to be tough.


  1. You'll be missed.

  2. Thanks Jim. That is both a very kind thing to say and an encouragement to get on with the project.
