Sunday 11 August 2013

Your idea is stupid - but go ahead anyway

If you've ever had an idea for a business or a project, you've probably had this experience.  You tell someone about it and they instantly see all the flaws in your reasoning.  Depending on what they are like and how well they know you, they'll do it with varying degrees of politeness.  But you'll have no doubt that think your idea is stupid.

They are going to be right nearly all the time.  Your idea is stupid and it won't work.  The world is much to big and complicated for any human being to come up with an infallible idea.  There are too many variables.  And those variables, well, they vary.  There are few constants.  And they are constantly changing.

So what should you do.  Go ahead anyway.  The only way you'll ever achieve something is by giving it a go.  Of course it is bound to turn out to be stupid.  But by doing it you'll get a much better idea of how things work.  Few people have achieved exactly what they set out to achieve.  Most people find that the only way to learn is from getting it wrong and analysing the error.  Of course your idea is stupid, but doing nothing is even more stupid.

A good case being this blog.  I started it as simply a way to keep track of what I found, and what I didn't find, valuable about what Steve Pavlina was doing.  Since I started he has stopped doing anything that interests me at all.  I don't even follow his blog any more.  If he didn't put the odd tweet on Twitter I would no longer even be sure he was still alive.  But I don't regret starting it.  And I am even thinking I should spend a bit more time on it now.

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