Monday 2 May 2016

Tea Break

What are tea breaks all about?  Well obviously they are breaks when you can have some tea. As a true born Brit I need regular tea.  But are they a necessary break to recuperate, or could they be a key plank in a good time management system?

Here are two scenarios.  I have a load of work to do so I will plough through it until 11 when I will have my well earned break. Or if it isn't well earned I will have it anyway.  In fact regardless of what effect it has on my productivity I will have a break at 11.

Or how about I decide to focus on working flat out for 3 hours, and then have a break.  I will obviously aim to have it at 11.  But I will put the focus on the 3 hours of concentrated work.  Then, when I get to my tea break I will really have earned it.  That turns it into a celebration of having at the very least achieved three hours of concentrated effort.  At best I can look back on some solid accomplishment as I drink my tea.

I generally do the first.  I wonder how it would work out if I tried the second?

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