Saturday 17 December 2016

It's all about lists - 1st draft

So when you are overwhelmed by too much work, there really is ultimately only one cure.  You need to work through your list of things you need to get done and to do them.

It really is that simple.

The problem is the list.  If you have a list of things to do that you trust to be comprehensive and properly prioritised then your problem becomes a much simpler one of simply getting on and doing it all.  If you can take it one stage further and have every item on your list representing a simple manageable task, then so much the better.

But most of us don't have such a list.  And the work needed to create such a list is simply too much to contemplate. It seems much easier to simply grab something that you know needs to be done and to do it.  That's progress at least.

The trouble is that the job you pick is usually a relatively easy one, or one that has a particular deadline.  It probably isn't the one that represents the most valuable use of your time that will pay off for years to come.

So I suggest you add creating, prioritising and polishing your list to your job list.  If you don't have a list, start it with that item.  And treat it as major objective of your life going forward that every day will end with your list in better shape than when you started it.

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