Wednesday 23 March 2016

Five Minute Posting?

Well a fifteen minute blog post is good, but how about a five minute one?

I don't think you can write anything very worthwhile in five minutes if you think of it as a blog post.  But it might do very well as a Facebook post.  And Facebook posts seem to be rather more effective than tweets in generating engagement as opposed to entertainment.

I wonder if my visceral dislike of Facebook could in this way be turned into an advantage?  I do a five minute post between tasks.  This is no more than I often waste checking on the latest headlines and getting sucked into an opinion piece.  Then I can assess the responses to the Facebook posts I have done and do the full fifteen minutes on the topics that seem to engage people.

It is an idea at any rate. It can't do any harm, as at the moment I hardly use Facebook for anything.  And old Facebook posts don't seem to have much of a long term life in the way blog posts do, if they aren't hits then so what.

The biggest problem will probably be thinking of topics that five minutes is the right amount of time to deal with.

(You will have guessed this post took 5 minutes to write.)

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