Wednesday 11 June 2014

Get In The Mood For Maximum Productivity

One of the most popular works that the composer Handel came up with in his own lifetime was Alexander's Feast.  In those days getting a piece of music into print was a rare feat, and only two of Handel's masterpieces were published in that format while he was still alive: Messiah naturally enough and Alexander's Feast.
It is a remarkable piece of work based on a poem of the same name by John Dryden.  The poem has another name - 'The Power of Music".  It is a long poem but it covers just a short event in the life of Alexander the Great.  He is having a feast to celebrate his great victory over the Persians, and is crowned with laurels and surrounded by his heroic warrior comrades.

But although he has conquered the world, it turns out that he himself is being completely controlled by the power of music wielded by his musician Timotheus.

It is well worth reading though the imagery the Dryden uses is pretty hard to fathom out for the modern reader.  Some things are worth the effort - there is no point in only doing things that are easy.

I was reminded recently of how powerful a tool music is for controlling our moods.  I try to get some exercise on the treadmill first thing every morning.  I used to listen to podcasts and audio books, but I found I was more motivated by sorting out some uptempo music.  I concentrated on favourite songs that I was familiar with, and not surprisingly given I was looking for upbeat music the songs tended to give me an upbeat feeling.

So in addition to helping with my motivation to get some exercise - in which it was pretty successful - I also found that I was starting the day in a more cheerful mood as well.   This isn't rocket science of course, but I was surprised at just how strong the effect has proved to be.  Not only do I get started earlier, but I also find I have more willpower to focus on the important stuff rather than fritter away my time early in the day on necessary but low value work.  My big test of willpower is being able to avoid looking at my e-mail inbox too soon in the day.  I am realistic enough to know that once I have got into it it is simply beyond my strength to resist getting caught up in whatever is in there.  I aim to hold off until lunchtime so I can use the morning for the work that is important to me rather than to people who send me stuff.

I have been pleasantly surprised at the power of music to create the mood that I need to achieve the most.  This was an accidental discovery but I dare say that there other ways besides music to get into the right mood.  I will see if I can't consciously seek them out rather than simply stumbling upon them in future.

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