Saturday 14 June 2014

Getting The Most Done With Your Time Part 5 - Affirmations

One of the factors my experiment into working practices is looking at is affirmations.   This is the idea that continually repeating a mantra throughout the day leads you on to greater achievement.  This is the factor I have the least confidence in.  It smacks a bit of woo and nonsense like the Law of Attraction.  Surely our brains are too complex to be manipulated so easily by such a low effort trick?
So I am skeptical, but I am also open to the results of experiment.  In an ideal scientific experiment I would decide on the affirmations I am going to use in advance and test them at random.  However unlike the other things I am looking at in this study I don't really have much experience with them so I don't really know very well how they are supposed to work.

I will start with one, and see if it seems to be having any effect.  If it does I will keep going with it, if it doesn't I will give others a try.  This offends my inner physical scientist because I should be keeping things constant, but if I waited to get everything perfect I would never get this study off the ground at all.

So the affirmation I am going to start with is 'I want to become a millionaire'.    It doesn't correspond to what the people who write about this kind of thing would regard as a good affirmation.  For a start it isn't in the present tense and it is a little vague.  But the people who write about this kind of thing don't generally go about testing things as systematically as I am planning to do.  It was the first thing that popped into my head when I thought about it, so maybe it will resonate with me.  I will make sure I write it down at least every hour and I will say it to myself every 20 minutes or so.   I don't know how many times I should repeat.  I'll start with 10 times, as it is a round number.  I will also use it as a tool to get back to work after interruptions.

So the stage is set.   Wish me luck.

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