Monday 21 April 2014

Keep Screens Out Of Bed

We all have our own distinct pattern of unhelpful behaviours.  One of mine is that my resistance to the temptation of pointless web surfing is lowest when I am horizontal.  This has two effects.  If I take my Kindle or my phone to bed with me I am quite likely to spend what should be sleeping time checking all my e-mails, looking for interesting conversations on Twitter and doing all the other obsessive time wasting things that you can do on the net when you should be dreaming.

I get it the other end too.  It is just so tempting to check out the news and other stuff when I wake up.  This morning was a case in point.  I woke up and instantly read a chapter of a real book - an activity I regard as a good use of time and a good start to the day.  But having done so, I then spent a full hour checking Twitter and, er, I can't even remember what else.

The solution is easy to state.  Don't have any internet capable device anywhere near  bed.  The willpower to do this is enormous, especially as I quite successfully use my electronic tools to manage my time once I manage to get myself vertical - and especially so after a good night's sleep.

Strategies to try -

 - Make sure there is always a book beside the bed
 - Keep phone out of reach without getting up

They sound so simple don't they.  Let's see how I get on with them.

photo credit: seng1011 via photopin cc

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