Thursday 29 May 2014

Nudge Yourself for Better Results

I was up with the lark this morning.  Did some exercise.  Ate fruit for breakfast.  Sat at my computer ready to start working before seven.  Then spent over an hour goofing around on the internet failing to achieve anything very much.   What went wrong?  I knew what I was going to work on, but I wasn't all set up ready to go.  Consequently I somehow sunk into torpor rather than activity.

I think I know exactly what went wrong.  I didn't have everything in place and the first thing I was going to have to do was search around for the files I need to work on, and decide just how I am going to go about it.  I hate fiddly jobs like that and that was enough to sink my motivation.

By contrast, my exercise regime is a daily thing and as soon as I am out of bed I am on it without thinking.

There is a lot of stuff around now about nudging.  Making it easy to do things that you need to do.  Opting into organ donation schemes automatically for example.  I think this is a really powerful tool and one that I obviously need to give more thought to in my life.  There is no way round it with the job I plan to do next, I am going to have to slog through it.  But it would have been so much easier if I had spent a modest amount of time yesterday setting up the conditions for me to have succeeded in getting going this morning.

Photo credit: Earl - What I Saw 2.0 via photopin cc

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